Step 1 - Head over to Elastic Email and Create a new account

Step 2 - Ensure you select "Email API" or if you have an existing account, kindly enable Email API on your account -

Step 3 - Enter required information and login to your account

Step 4 - Navigate to SMTP API settings

Step 5 - Click on "Create SMTP credentials"

Step 6 - Under "Username" enter the email address you wish to use to send Calendar invites from. (Email address that your users will see when they receive the calendar invites) and click on "Create"

Step 7 - Upon success, a pop up will appear with your SMTP settings, copy all the details over a notepad for use in next part 


Port: 2525

User id: same as what you created in step 6 above 

Password: copy and save with you

Next: Login to Let's Calendar and configure your SMTP settings