Now that you have successfully setup your SMTP / Email Service with Let's Calendar and also added a Sender Identity, it's time to setup and send your first invite!
Navigate to Campaigns -> Create Campaigns
Now in Create Campaign Mode let's enter the following values
Title - Give a friendly title to the campaign, this is internal use only
Subject - The Subject will reflect in your recipients inbox and calendar as the main "Subject" and "Calendar Topic" so ensure to enter something that relates to your event or conference and calls for action at the users end. E.g. LOGIN DETAILS - Webinar on "Topic" Login Details enclosed.
Please select email id - From the drop down please select the Sending identity you want to use for this campaign.
Brand Name - This will be the "Senders Name" that will be displayed
Event Type - Webinar or Physical Meetup - Once again this is pre-dominantly an internal parameter, however it will be good if you set the right value as in future this will be useful in sort, filter and providing Google Maps Integration for Physical Meetup
Set your event timezone - Please select your local or the event's local / set timezone, please set this exactly same as that you have for your online/physical event, as the main calendar invite will be based on this timezone
Setup your Event Start and End Time - Now that you have selected the event's local timezone, now setup the event's start and end date/time. Please ensure you toggle the AM/PM selector. Don't worry we manage the conversion of this to your audience timezone automatically.
Event Location - You have two options over here a) Online / Webinar Login URL or b) Physical Location (Venue).
a) Online/Webinar Login URL - If your webinar or event has a common login url, please enter that complete URL starting with https://.... over here or else leave this blank.
b) Physical Location (Venue) - If you are hosting a physical event, enter the Venue location here exactly as you see it on Google Maps. E.g. Enter "ExCeL London, Western Gateway, London, UK" if your event is happening at ExCeL Convention Center in London, by doing so at least for your recipients who use Gmail or Emails hosted on G-Suite, for them Gmail will automatically convert this into a Google Map Location and help them navigate to the same.Calendar Invite Description - You once again have two options -
a) Enter Static Details - You can enter static and common calendar description over here which is common to ALL your recipients and it does not change (Useful when you have a common Join Now URL)
b) Enter Dynamic Details - You can chose to customize and personalize the calendar description for each recipients by entering / using our Dynamic Parameters - like -
Dear {first-name} {last-name},
This is a reminder, you are registered for our upcoming Webinar on {webinar-title} which is starting at {webinar-start-datetime}.
Please LOGIN to attend the same using below details -
Login URL - {login-url}
Login Email - {attendee-email}
Login Username: - {attendee-username},
Login Password: - {attendee-password}
If you face any issues or have any questions please feel free to write back to us on xxxxxxxx
Team Conferences
Note: It's not mandatory you use all of the dynamic parameters, you can pick whatever is relevant to your campaign and ensure the same are also present in the import that you do.Email Body - The Email body description is useful when your recipients receive the calendar invite from you when you send it out the first time. This appears as an email in their inbox and they will get to read the same.
You can chose to enter the same description as you did for Calendar or change it as per your preference.Hit Submit and your Campaign is all setup and ready!
Next: Upload Attendees to your campaign