Now that you have successfully setup your first campaign and uploaded your attendees, let's send out your first invite! 

  1. Goto Campaigns -> Send Invite

  2. From the drop down, please select the campaign you want to send the invite to

  3. Click Submit

  4. Now a list of attendees will be displayed, under "status" you can check if the calendar invite to them is Sent, In Progress or New

  5. Click on "Send Test Calendar Invite" to send a test to yourself or your colleague before you deploy to all recipients

  6. In the pop-up that appears, you can enter First Name, Last Name and your Email address as mandatory fields, others are optional

  7. Click on Send Invite to send out the test. 

  8. Once you review the test and find everything in order, you are ready to send the invite to all

  9. Click on "Send Calendar Invite" to send it out to all the new attendees you have uploaded.

  10. Note: Depending on your SMTP server, it can take anywhere between 1 to few minutes for ALL the invites to go out. 

That's It! Your invite's are on their way to the recipients!