Now that you have successfully created your Source Zap and set it up to transfer new registration data from your source app to Zapier, you need to create an Action Zap via which this new data fetched by Zapier is transferred to Action Zap / Let's Calendar App.

Step 1 - Confirm you are at the App section screen of the Action App section

Step 2 - Under App Event -> Search apps field, type Let's Calendar and wait for the search results to display the Let's Calendar App. 

Step 3 - Select the Let's Calendar App, and now it will ask you to chose the Action Event, select it and set it to "Add Attendees" as we want to transfer registrations/attendees from the source app to Let's Calendar Campaign

Click "Continue" button

Step 4 - Click on Sign in to Let's Calendar account button to sign in and authorize Zapier to read and transfer data to your Let's Calendar account. 

A new pop up window will now open, enter your Let's Calendar Username and Password and click on Yes, continue button to complete authentication. 

Once authentication is successful, the pop-up window will close automatically and you will return to Zapier screen, click on Continue button. 

Step 5 - Setup Action - Now select where you want your data to go within Let's Calendar. In this set you will need to first select the Let's Calendar Campaign where you want the data to go, and then sync / link your source data with relevant fields in Let's Calendar. 

Note: For this to work, Campaign Selection and Email id selection is mandatory, rest all fields are optional. 

Campaign Selection is required as this tells Zapier where to "push" new registration / records to. 

Email ID is mandatory field as without email id, calendar invites cannot be triggered. 

That's it, once you complete the mapping you can try sending test data and check for new data in Let's Calendar under "Send Invite" column. 

Upon successful transfer, and integration, the automation will trigger calendar invites to any new data found in the campaign each hour. 

Note: You may need to wait for 1 hour to see the calendar invite trigger happen automatically.