Here is the guide to send invites:
- Login to Let's Calendar Account.
- Click on "Campaigns" on the Left Hand side panel.
This will expand "Campaigns" section.
- From the list, click on "Campaign List".
- "Campaign List" will show you list of campaigns on the right hand side of the screen.
- Once you see the campaign you want to send invites, you click on the paper plane icon under "Action" column.
- After clicking "Paper Plane" icon, you will see all the attendees you have uploaded to your campaign.
- To send calendar invites to all your attendees, you need to again click on "Paper Plane" icon at the start of the list, just under "Total Attendees:" section.
- As soon as you click on the "Paper Plane" icon, you will see a popup window. This will give you information of "New attendees number & remaining credit" information.
- Click on "Send Invite" to initiate sending of invitations to all your attendees.
For any further questions, please email [email protected]